Simple Tasks That Make A Difference!

This document outlines general "smaller" or "easier" tasks that new Kaltura platform developers can take on as learning challenges, but at the same time also be proud of making a valueable contribution to the platform evolution!
If you decide to take on a challenge, please open a bug with the details of the task, and mark it as yours on the issue queue. We promise to do our best at mentoring you to greatness!


Port Kaltura's Core to PHP 5_5

Fix Core's SQL init scripts to support MySQL 5.5

Admin Console

  • Mask passwds in admin console
  • Mark mandatory field with '*', red, whatever. For example - the 'Add publisher' form.
  • Testme fixes
  • format output of testme console in tree-like XML structure
  • allow configuration of package and publisher types from admin console
  • provide an option to validate a KS, and display what capabilities it provides (especially handy for resolving a missing sview capability)
  • when inputting an invalid KS in admin console's sys helper:
2014-04-20 05:27:46 [0.000542] [] [2024683882] [API] [ks->logError] ERR: Hash [>M��!���b�ZHD���] doesn't match sha1 on partner [174].
2014-04-20 05:27:46 [0.000378] [] [2024683882] [API] [KalturaFrontController->getExceptionObject] CRIT: exception 'Exception' with message 'INVALID_STR' in /opt/kaltura/app/alpha/apps/kaltura/lib/webservices/kSessionUtils.class.php:272
Stack trace: 
#0 /opt/kaltura/app/plugins/admin_console/kaltura_internal_tools/services/KalturaInternalToolsSystemHelperService.php(22): ks::fromSecureString('djJ8MTc0fHK3sNK...')

But this is not displayed, instead only: 'Internal server error occurred' Need to catch the exception and display.


  • Storage: force 'http' in http delivery URL
  • Disallow login to KMC if partner is -2
  • Change KMC login to be JS instead of FLASH


  • Add our packages to ClearOS' repo
  • (optionally) add package to EPEL

Backend Plugins

  • Create a plugin for the Monit monitoring tab in admin console

Client libs

  • Add more client libs []
  • Write tests for the new NodeJS client libs []
  • Fix Python units for version 2.6.n and >= 3.0.n