
The query cache is a generic mechanism for caching the results of database queries using memcache.

The query cache uses a single shared memcache that will be added to each datacenter (not machine local memcaches).

How does it work?


mysql> select * from flavor_asset where entry_id=x and partner_id=y and ...

The first time this query is performed, it will get to the database. After the query completes and the Propel objects are populated, the objects are serialized and stored to the memcache. The key used for caching is a function of the query string: QCQ--, where query type is 'sel' for doSelect and 'cnt' for doCount (we use serialize($criteria) to avoid building the query string unnecessarily). The next time the same query is performed it will return the results from the memcache.

What is the performance gain?

Complex select queries that have several conditions / count queries will be replaced by a simple retrieveByPK-like query on the memcache.

The query cache stores serialized objects, saving the time of the Propel hydration process.

How do we know when a cached query is valid?

Every query that is cached is associated with at least one 'invalidation key', each invalidation key holds the time of the last relevant change to the database, in the example above, we use the key: 'QCI-flavor_asset:entry_id=x'. Before we return a cached query from the memcache, we compare the time of the cached query to the time saved in all relevant invalidation keys. If one of the invalidation keys is newer than the cached query, the cached query is treated as invalid and won't be used.

When do we update the invalidation keys?

Whenever a flavor asset object of entry_id x is saved, it will also update the time saved in the memcache under 'flavor_asset:entry_id=x', thus invalidating all the queries that contained entry_id=x. On single datacenter environments the invalidation keys can be updated automatically by the 'save' functions. On multi datacenter environments this won't work, because it won't invalidate the queries that are cached on the remote DC. So, instead, we'll define triggers on the database that will perform the invalidation - whether the database was modified locally or by the replication.

How to add a new query to the cache?

Override ::getCacheInvalidationKeys to return a list of invalidation keys that should be checked before the supplied $criteria can be returned from the cache. Override ::getCacheInvalidationKeys to return a list of invalidation keys that should be updated when $this object is saved. The list of invalidation keys to update should also be added to $INVALIDATION_KEYS in deployment/base/scripts/createQueryCacheTriggers.php.

Use the following samples: Basic cache: asset.php & assetPeer.php. Multiple invalidation fields: kuser.php & kuserPeer.php. IN criteria caching: permission.php & permissionPeer.php.

What is the process for setting up the query cache?

Set up a single machine on each datacenter that will run the shared memcached. Configure the hostname and port of this memcache in local.ini (global_memcache_host / global_memcache_port). Single datacenter environment only On all servers, set query_cache_enabled and query_cache_invalidate_on_change to true in kConfLocal Multi datacenter environment only Perform the following on one of the mysql slaves in each datacenter:

  • Compile and install 'Memcached Functions for MySQL'. To install a precompiled version:
  • Copy /usr/lib64/mysql/plugin/ and /usr/local/lib64/
  • Install the functions by running: mysql kaltura < memcached_functions_mysql-1.1/sql/install_functions.sql
  • Configure the 'Memcached Functions for MySQL' library to use the shared memcache server by adding the command 'select memc_servers_set(':');' to the mysql init script. Note: To add an init script for mysql, add the switch 'init-file=' to the section [mysqld] in my.cnf and make sure that mysql user has acess to this file
  • Restart mysql.
  • Install the triggers by running from deployment/base/scripts: php createQueryCacheTriggers.php create
  • On all servers, set query_cache_enabled to true in local.ini (query_cache_invalidate_on_change should be left false).


CentOS / RHEL:

# yum install libmemcached-devel mysql-devel


apt-get install libmemcached-dev libmysqld-dev


# wget
# tar -xvf ./memcached_functions_mysql-1.1.tar.gz
# cd ./memcached_functions_mysql-1.1
#./configure --with-mysql=/usr/bin/mysql_config 
# make install


CentOS / RHEL:

# cp /usr/local/lib/ /usr/lib64/mysql/plugin/


# cp /usr/local/lib/ /usr/lib/mysql/plugin/
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